Public procurement decrees
1- Public Procurement Code
- The Presidential decree N° 15/247 of September 16th 2015 about The Public procurement Regulations and delegation of public services.
- Presidential Decree N° 13-03 of January 13, 2013 amending and supplementing Presidential Decree N° 10-236 of October 7, 2010 regulating public procurement.
- Presidential Decree n° 12-23 of 18 January 2012 modifying and supplementing the Presidential Decree n° 10-236 of 7 October 2010 on public procurement regulations.
- Presidential Decree No. 11-222 of 16 June 2011.
- Presidential Decree No. 11-98 of March 26, 2011 amending and supplementing Presidential Decree No. 10-236 of October 7, 2010 regulating public procurement.
- Presidential Decree No. 10-236 of 7 October 2010 regulating public procurement.
2- Models of the letter of submission, the declaration to be subscribed and the declaration of probity.
3- Terms of Exclusion from Participation in Public Contracts.
4- Investment Commitment Model.
5- Mentions to be made in the formal notice and the deadlines for its publication.
6- Standard rules of procedure of the public procurement commission.